Sunshine Blogger Award


Last week, I was nominated for the “Sunshine Blogger Award” by Life By The Pages which is one of my favorite blog sites since day one of my blogging.  It is super encouranging and delightful to read. If you haven’t checked out her blog, please do so.

What is Sunshine Blogger Award?

“The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given from a blogger to fellow bloggers to recognize each other. This award was given because he/she considers my blog to be inspiring , positive and brings sunshine to the lives of its readers”. I hope you too find inspiration in my site!

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

My Answers

If you could tell your teenage-self anything, what would that be?

  • I used to be a very tense and straight person. May get mad when things don’t turn out the way they should be. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to relax and take it easy as most of the things I worried about wasn’t actually worth worrying.  And in fact, worry or getting angry did nothing to help the situation. 😊  See Matthew 6:25-34 for God telling us not to worry about our lifes because our heavenly Father will take care of it.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • Japan! I love this country. Love it’s food and it’s culture. It’s got a balance of busy & lively commercial area; and quiet rural area with beautiful nature. Wish I have a chance to live there for a period of time.

What is your favorite film or book growing up?

  • I love to watch cartoon and comics when I was young and there are lots of favorite. If I have to name one of them, may be it is “Doraemon”. It is a cat liked robot which was sent over the time machine to live with a kid who fails in all aspects of his life. The story is about how this robot would use his advanced gadgets to help the kid. I would love to have a robot like this when I was a kid.  Below is the classic Season 1 Episode 1 in English.

What kinds of things bring you joy?

  • Many things! A good meal, a good chat with friend, a good bible study or sermon, or happy time with my husband, dogs or family would all bring me joy. 😁

How do you handle fear in your life?

  • If there is a way to get rid of the fear, such as to fix something, I would do it. If not, I would ask for help from others (if appropriate) or pray about it and try to distract myself using other things so I don’t need to think about it.  I would also avoid watching scary movies.

Where are you from?

  • I am from 🇭🇰 Hong Kong

What would you like readers to take away from your blog?

  • I want my readers to smile and to be able to take away with some helpful tips or encouragements.

What is your favorite quote?

  • My motto, as listed on my “About Me” page.

What a person sees and hears everyday becomes his thinking, his thinking becomes his behaviors, his behaviors becomes his habits, his habits becomes his character, his character becomes his destiny. Therefore if you want to become a certain kind of person, start with what you read and listen everyday.  Therefore choose wisely.

  • See this page to explain why I choose this as my motto.

Are you a tea person or a coffee person?

  • Coffee!  I need my morning coffee everyday.

What is one thing you hope to achieve in 2018?

  • In 2018, I hope to be able to continue with this blog, but not to worry too much about how many Likes and Followers, of course the more the happier but not to bogged down by it.

Do you honestly read the blogs from people that you followed?

  • I do try to read as many as possible but sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed with too many to read as I am a slow reader (and a slow writer too). 😓  Pages with less words and some graphic would help me read.  haha.

My Nominees

There are so many wonderful blogs that have inspired me (thank you!!), and have encouraged me through comments as well as their own posts. Here is a few of them:

  1. Rejoicing In Hope
  2. sarishboo
  3. All The Shoes I Wear
  4. Help from Heaven
  5. Baffled Mum
  6. The Zero-Waste Chef
  7. One Stone Away
  8. Personal Growth & Success
  9. GraceLifeCollections

My Questions

  1. What is the best gift you have ever received?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What part of your culture are you most and least proud of?
  4. What is your favorite pet/animal, if any?
  5. What kinds of things bring you joy?
  6. What do you spend way too much money on?
  7. What is your weirdest habit?
  8. What would you like readers to take away from your blog?
  9. What is your idea of a perfect rest day?
  10. What one piece of advice would you give a new blogger?
  11. Do you honestly read the blogs from people that you followed?


I’m genuinely interested in reading your answers.  But if you’re unable to participate for any reason, please accept this as a gesture of my appreciation.

If you do choose to participate, please share a link to your “SUNSHINE AWARD” post in my reply section below so that other people can visit your site and check out your answers.


Your thoughts